Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Vshakha ! By enrolling your child in our program, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Enrollment and Classes:
    1. Classes are held on an alternative day basis (M/W/F or T/T/S).
    2. Each session is 2 hours long, consisting of 1 hour of physical activity and 1 hour of mental activity.
    3. Physical activities include Kids Zumba, Kids Gym, Obstacle Courses, Yoga, Dance, and Movement.
    4. Creativity and mental development activities include Art and Craft, Storytelling, Role Play, Brain Booster Activities, Sensory and Messy Play, and MadLab.
  2. Age Group: Our program is designed for children aged 3 to 7 years.
  3. Rerun Classes:
    1. One rerun class will be provided for one month enrollment.
    2. Three rerun classes will be provided for three months enrollment.
  4. Payments:
    1. Tuition fees must be paid in full before the start of each enrollment period.
    2. We accept online payment (Gpay), Bank transfer and Cash
  5. Attendance:
    1. Regular attendance is encouraged for the best experience and development of your child.
    2. Notify us in advance if your child cannot attend a class.
  6. Parental Involvement:
    1. Parents are welcome to observe classes but are not allowed to interfere with the activities.
    2. Regular parent-teacher meetings will be scheduled for updates on your child’s progress.
  7. Code of Conduct:
    1. Respectful and cooperative behavior is expected from both children and parents.
    2. Any disruptive behavior may result in the child being temporarily removed from the class.
  8. Safety and Health:
    • Safety is our priority. Inform us of any health concerns or allergies your child may have.
    • In case of illness, please keep your child at home to prevent the spread of illness to other children.
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